The Life of Tzaddikim

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  • Longing for our Rav
    HaRav Avraham Shapira, the Torah giant who led the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva for over two decades and served as Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel, was known fondly by generations of students and by all those who came to seek his Halachic rulings, wisdom and counsel as "Reb Avrom." His genius in Torah was matched by his warm, compassionate personality and his unforgettable prayers on the High Holy Days. A student shares some recollections.
  • That a Cohen May Not Marry a Divorcee
    A few days later, a royal emissary of the Empress Maria Teresa appeared at the rabbi’s home. The surprised rabbi realized that the wealthy Jew had broken the convention by which Jews did not involve non-Jews in their inner disputes. He had no choice.
  • Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes
    Iyar 14 is the Hilulah (death anniversary) of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes. Tradition has it that Rabbi Meir asked to be buried in an upright position so that, when the Messiah comes and the dead are resurrected, he be able to run to greet him with no delay.
  • The Scrupulous Observance of Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah
    On one occasion, when Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah returned home from prayer, his taxi driver accidentally drove past his house. "Oops," said the driver, "I'll have to back up." The rabbi immediately corrected him, saying, "You have to proceed backwards."
  • The Three Shepherds
    Rabbi Avraham Elkanah Kahana Shapira's regular classes at the yeshiva and in his home were, more than anything else, what transformed the yeshiva's students into Torah personalities immersed in the sea of the Talmud and guided by sound reasoning
  • Humility and Leadership
    The heart still refuses to accept the fact that Rav Avrum is no longer with us in this world. Rav Avrum, who was so full of life, so full of joy, so full of light, the light of Torah and the light of sanctity, so full of wisdom and acumen. Could it be?
  • A Biographical Sketch of Rabbi Avraham Shapira, zt"l
    During Rav Avrum's decades of public service, he never departed from the "Tent of the Torah." He dedicate numerous hours to the yeshiva. Rav Avrum did everything with vigor, enthusiasm, and joy, while maintaining a viewpoint firmly grounded in Torah.
  • "Your People, They Are All Righteous"
    What stood out in Rabbi Kook's thought that could not be found in the thought of his contemporaries was a clarification of the issue of the unique chosenness of the Jewish people, a broad and deep examination of the profundity of the Nation of Israel.
  • Selections from a Diary of Jerusalem's Liberation
    When I finished the memorial service we all stood at attention and sang "Ha-Tikvah." After this, I kissed the Regional Headquarters Commanding General and other soldiers and officers, and then I began singing, "This year in the restored Jerusalem!"
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